Audits & Benchmarking
The Difference between ASHRAE Level 1, 2, and 3 audits
Energy Savings Toolbox – An Energy Audit Manual and Tool – NRCAN
Improve Your Building's Energy Performance: Energy Benchmarking Primer
NRCAN - Energy Benchmarking Data Snapshots
Identify management systems to take advantage of energy efficiency opportunities
IESO Energy Management Plan Template
Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM)
How to Bulk Uploads to ESPM - Guide & Spreadsheet
EnergyStar Guidelines for Energy Management
Engagement Tools
Successes in Sustainability: Landlords and Tenants Team Up to Improve Energy Efficiency
For big energy efficiency gains, tenant demand is key
Raising Awareness and Keeping it Afloat, Tenant Engagement is Not a One-time Fix
Owner-Tenant Engagement in Responsible Property Investing
Measure Performance
Energy Management: 5 KPIs that Increase ROI and NOI
Managing Energy Using Key Performance Indicators
Breakthrough for Sustainability In Commercial Real Estate
GRESB 2016 NA Real Estate Results – example overviews of some key metrics
Case Studies
COVID-19 Case Study: Operational Energy Conservation Measures in Buildings
Empire State Building Case Study
R2R Brand Guide
webinars & videos
see what others have to say
education sessions and events
Watch the video to get an idea of what our education sessions are all about. Karen Walker, Director of Property Management and Tenant Experience at Hullmark shares her experience with the race and our education sessions.
Take advantage of the numerous education sessions and events that we hold each year by leveraging the BOMA Toronto education series. Our topics range from technical and operational workshops to broader topics such as tenant engagement or creating high performance buildings.